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Showing posts from October, 2011

I Am Now An Android

Or should I say a Droid?  My Palm Pre took a final nasty dive last month.  While I did have an upgrade coming to me, my wife really wanted an iPhone.  Being the good husband that I am, she got  a shiny new white iPhone 4 whilst I received a slightly used refurbished white Droid 2 Global.  There's even a story how she came to a refurbished model but that's for a better time than this. Since I've moved onto Android, I'll start posting some more updates and reviews.  I'll drop in my favorite apps and mention some close seconds.  I'll probably lust over some phones like the  Droid Razr . Right I'm still playing and customizing it.  The Gingerbread update finally dropped and I've been loving the much needed changers.  The app launcher is better.  Its faster.  The battery last longer.  I can even dismiss individual notifications thanks to MotoBlur. If you have any Android suggestions, comments, et cetera, leave them for me please.