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What to Feed the Chickens

Since taking on a flock of chickens, I've been pretty curious just what I can feed my birds.  Sure, there's store bought feed but I want the strong healthy yolks and solid whites of a farm yard chicken egg.  While I intend on letting my chickens free range under my supervision, I have still been curious how to supplement their diet.

One of my favorite chicken sites, BackYard Chickens, had just the answer.  I won't list everything on the site but the simpler formula is won't not to feed your chickens: no candy/sugar, no salty stuff, no green potato peels (some sites simply say no peels at all), no dry beans, no avocado, and no citrus.  There's tons of veggies and fruit that chickens simply love.  Meal worms and scratch grains help too.


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